Introducing A New Network to Bring Together Asian Digital Newsrooms
New Delhi: DataLEADS has announced the launch of a pan-Asia newsroom and reporting network focused on cross-border, public interest journalism that will unravel stories and perspectives from across Asia. Asian Dispatch is selecting its first cohort of members to build a pan-Asia network of news publishers who publish long-form, in-depth reporting that serves public interest. The membership is open to independent, online news publishers originating from Asian countries.
The significance of Asia in the global socio-politico-economic landscape cannot be overstated. With the majority of the world’s population and a rich history of culture and human activity spanning from production to consumption, from art to science, Asia stands as a powerhouse of human life and evolution.
However, the representation of Asia in the global media landscape has often fallen short of capturing its true essence and significance. Western-centric events, conflicts and narratives dominate the media, sidelining the rich and nuanced stories from the Asian continent. This information gap has led to a distorted view of Asia, perpetuating stereotypes and misconceptions.
In response to these challenges, bold and visionary individuals have come together to launch Asian Dispatch – a groundbreaking initiative aimed at promoting and protecting pan-Asia public interest journalism.
Underscoring the importance of Asian Dispatch in challenging the status quo and promoting a more inclusive narrative of Asia, Syed Nazakat, Founder & CEO, Asian Dispatchsaid, “Our initiative represents a paradigm shift in how Asia is perceived and positioned in the global media landscape. Our mission is to build a robust, independent, pan-Asia public interest digital journalism newsroom and network to unite voices across the region.”
Emphasizing on the collaborative nature of Asian Dispatch, Trinna Leong, Partnerships Lead stated, “We are building a network of news and media organizations across Asia to foster cross-border collaboration and exchange. By pooling resources and sharing stories, we can amplify the voices of Asian communities and bring their stories to the forefront of global discourse.”
Speaking on the significance of Asian Dispatch, Anoushka Dalmia, Special Correspondent remarked, “Our goal is to break through stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding Asia and position the continent as a dynamic and vital force in the global landscape. Through bold, investigative journalism and long-form storytelling, we aim to showcase the diverse stories, experiences and perspectives that make Asia truly unique.”
Asian Dispatch comprises three main verticals: The Newsroom,The Network and Biennial Media Festival. The Newsroom, headquartered in Delhi, India will focus on pan-Asia reporting through collaboration across newsrooms in the region, offering a unique editorial perspective on public interest issues. The Network, operating on a membership model, will provide newsrooms with access to a pool of original stories, digital transformation training, technical support to advance their journalistic endeavors. And the biennial media festival aims at promoting constructive discussion and knowledge exchange.
Join us as we embark on this groundbreaking journey to unveil Asia, one story at a time. For more information:
Asian Dispatch: Unveiling One Story at a Time