DataLEADS invites applications for a climate reporting training bootcamp as part of activities planned under the Open Climate Reporting Initiative (OCRI) for Indian Journalists. Successful applicants will be part of a 2-day training-of-trainers workshop holding in June which intends to improve knowledge of the importance of reporting on climate change and the effect that such reporting can have on addressing the urgent questions connected to climate change that have a substantial impact on policy making.
Apply Now! Application deadline is May 29, 2023, by 5 pm IST.
The train-the-trainer workshop is part of activities that will be implemented by DataLEADS in partnership with CIJ’s OCRI. Prior to the workshop, a robust curriculum tailored and localised to suit the target audience will be developed. After the workshop, the trainers will organise over 30 training workshops for newsrooms, press clubs, journalism and educational institutes to train the target audience across India using tools and techniques to report climate change holistically.
Training-of-trainers application open for Indian Journalists as CIJ partner DataLEADS